The Best Thrift Stores in Bozeman, Montana

If you follow me on Instagram, you might know why I’m so excited to write this post! In addition to being a Montana/Travel blogger, I’m also a part time reseller. This means that I buy clothes from thrift stores (and a few other places) and resell them on apps like Poshmark and Ebay. Because of that, I’ve been to pretty much every thrift store in Bozeman several times! I thought I’d put together a list of the best thrift stores you’ll find in Bozeman to share what I’ve learned.
I hesitated when writing this article because I thought “if I give away all the best places to shop, I might not be able to find anything good anymore!” However, when I really thought about it, I think there’s room for everyone to thrift whether you’re buying things for yourself or thrifting to resell. No harm ever came from sharing the love!
Below, you’ll find a list of thrift stores, what I usually find at each one, and when to visit them to get the best deals.
Sacks of Bozeman
This list of thrift stores is in order of how much I like them and Sacks of Bozeman is at the top intentionally! This store somehow gets the BEST donations. I personally go there for their clothing and shoes selection. I always find great winter boots and outdoor gear here.
Best time to visit: This store does 50% off every first Saturday of the month, so this would be the ideal time to go. If you’re not in town for that Saturday, however, they still have great prices on pretty much everything.
You can find more info on their website!
Rethink Thrift
I visit Rethink Thrift pretty much every week because of their Friday discounts (see below). This store has a smaller clothing section, but they still carry decent clothes. That said, they do have quite a few rows of home/kitchen items for sale.
Best time to visit: Rethink Thrift does 50% off every Friday, so definitely stop in on a Friday! There is always a group of people standing out front before it opens on Friday and everyone kind of knows eachother which is half the fun.
You can find more info on their website!
Bozeman Goodwill
The Goodwill store in town is a good place to shop, too. Like most Goodwills, they have rows upon rows of clothing and shoes which is what I shop for most at this store. Their homegoods aren’t great here, so I would really only stop in if you’re looking for clothes/shoes.
I know some Goodwills do 50% off a certain color on certain days, but unfortunately, this one doesn’t do anything like that. They will have sales sometimes – they recently had a President’s Day sale. However, those are very sporatic. Because of that, you can visit any time since their prices are usually relatively low, anyway.
One thing that I like about visiting Goodwill is that they don’t usually mark up an item based on the brand. All of their pants are a certian price, all of their shirts are a certain price, etc. The smaller, local thrift store do mark up better brands because they know they can get more money for them.
–> Looking to do more shopping in Bozeman? Here is a list of the best Boutiques in town! <–
Four Corners Thrift Store
Four Corners Thrift Store is in Four Corners (shocker). This thrift store often has furniture sitting outside for sale (I recently bought a large dresser that I’m refinishing from here!) and then they have a couple rooms inside with clothing and homegoods. Their clothing generally isn’t as good as Sacks of Bozeman or Goodwill, but they do have some middle-tier outdoor brands like Columbia, The North Face, etc.
The best time to visit: This store does 50% off every Saturday, so I usually try to stop in over the weekend. With this sale, most of their clothing item are $2-3 which is an awesome price!
You can find more info on their website!
Twice Treasured Thrift
This store is also in Four Corners and I might actually only recommend visiting if you’re looking for things for yourself. When you walk in, you’ll notice right away that all the dispays are very curated and it looks like a nice store to walk around. However, because of that, their prices are a bit more than the other thrift stores in town.
They do have some good clothing items and cute home decor, though, so if you’re looking for either of those things for yourself, I’d recommend stopping in.
You can find more info on their Facebook Page!

Bonus: Belgrade Goodwill
This thrift store isn’t technically in Bozeman, but it’s only about 15 minutes away, so I thought I’d include it here because it’s another good one! Belgrade is the next town over and driving there from Bozeman, you’ll get some incredible views of the mountains. Aside from that, this Goodwill is bigger than the Bozeman Goodwill and they have a TON of clothes that are usually off pretty good quality.
In my opinion, their homegoods section is also better than Bozeman’s, but it’s still not amazing here.
Just like Bozeman, they don’t do the 50% off a certain color, so their sales are sporatic, but it’s still worth stopping in.
What to do if there’s no good thrift stores near you
I just got back to Bozeman from visiting my parents in Florida and while there are a lot of thrift stores in town, none of them were particularly good. I saw a lot of brands that you’d find in JC Penny or Kohl’s that just don’t have good resale value. If you find yourself in a town like this, there are still some options for you!
Order ThreadUP Rescue Boxes
ThreadUP is an online thrift store that people send their clothes into and when it sells, they get a cut of the profit. However, not everything sells and people who send clothes in don’t always want them back if they don’t sell. ThreadUP takes the clothes that don’t sell and they put together rescue boxes that you can buy. They have several different ones, but I just received my first rescue box which was 15 pairs of shoes for $60.
I’ve heard this box is usually a good one to get. I’ve also heard the men’s boxes are good because they don’t actually sell men’s clothing. So, these boxes aren’t necessarily items that didn’t sell, but just any men’s clothing they receive.
Click here to see what’s available now!
Take a thrifting road trip
I’ve been dying to go to a Goodwill Outlet (aka “the bins), but the closest one is about 7 hours away from Bozeman. So, I’m planning a road trip to go to it and I’ll likely stop at different thrift stores on the way! This is also a great idea if your feeling your local thrift stores getting stale or you’ve seen everything there is to see at them.
However you choose to thrift, just make sure it’s right for you. If you live in Bozeman or if you’re visiting, let me know if you visit any of the thrift stores I mentioned here! I’d love to know if you have the same or differing opinions of them.